Ag methane not part of 2050 goal despite what plan says: Joyce

Jamieson Murphy
Updated November 2 2021 - 6:07pm, first published October 31 2021 - 6:00pm
ARGY BARGY: Barnaby Joyce was heckled in Question Time while reading the government's 2050 roadmap, with the Opposition asking if it was the first time he'd seen the plan. Photo: Elesa Kurtz
ARGY BARGY: Barnaby Joyce was heckled in Question Time while reading the government's 2050 roadmap, with the Opposition asking if it was the first time he'd seen the plan. Photo: Elesa Kurtz

THE Nationals ensured agriculture methane emissions were excluded from the 2050 net-zero goal, Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce says, despite the plan specifically highlighting reducing agricultural methane as a "major focus".

Jamieson Murphy

Jamieson Murphy

News director

Newcastle Herald news director and business reporter. Interested in any and all yarns. Whisper g'day mate to me at

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