Wodonga cattle sale offers fewer grown cattle for selective buying gallery

Bryce Eishold
Updated May 9 2022 - 4:11pm, first published May 6 2022 - 11:00am
SALE-O: Elders Albury, NSW, livestock manager Brett Shea and vendor Andy Witsed, Bunroy Station, Bunroy, who sold Angus and Charolais mixed-sex calves at Wodonga on Thursday.
SALE-O: Elders Albury, NSW, livestock manager Brett Shea and vendor Andy Witsed, Bunroy Station, Bunroy, who sold Angus and Charolais mixed-sex calves at Wodonga on Thursday.

Cattle with weight were few and far between at Wodonga's bi-monthly store sale on Thursday where a large majority of cattle weighed below 300 kilograms.

Bryce Eishold

Bryce Eishold

Senior journalist

Bryce is a senior journalist with Australian Community Media's Stock & Land where he reports on all aspects of agriculture. Bryce is also the president of the Rural Press Club of Victoria. Email Bryce at bryce.eishold@stockandland.com.au.

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