Superfine Merino flock thriving in the UK

Simon Chamberlain
August 21 2023 - 6:00pm
Lesley and Roger Prior, Tellenby Merinos, Westcott Farm, Devon, United Kingdom, were delegates at the recent Australian Superfine Wool Growers' Association conference in northern Tasmania. Picture by Simon Chamberlain
Lesley and Roger Prior, Tellenby Merinos, Westcott Farm, Devon, United Kingdom, were delegates at the recent Australian Superfine Wool Growers' Association conference in northern Tasmania. Picture by Simon Chamberlain

TWO interesting delegates to the recent Australian Superfine Wool Growers' Association conference in northern Tasmania were Lesley Prior and her husband Roger, who hail from the southwest English county of Devon.

Simon Chamberlain

I have comprehensive experience in rural and regional journalism, as well as more than six years as a media officer for several politicians and worked in local government. I rejoined The Land in May 2022 and have loved being back in harness, reporting on a massive range of topics.

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