South East Field Day goes virtual as coronavirus cancels actual event

Kim Chappell
March 18 2020 - 4:00pm
AgriWebb Co Founders CEO Kevin Baum, CCO John Fargher and chairman Justin Webb.
AgriWebb Co Founders CEO Kevin Baum, CCO John Fargher and chairman Justin Webb.

As COVID-19 restrictions tighten with gatherings of 100 people or more banned and more events are scrubbed from the rural events calendar, one South Australian field day has got innovative.

Kim Chappell

Kim Chappell

Senior Producer - Digital

As Senior Producer - Digital for ACM's regional titles I assist newsrooms in digital best practice. Before this role, I was the digital journalist with ACM's national team and prior to that, the digital specialist with ACM's Agricultural division. I started as a general rounds journalist with The Land in 2006, moving up to hold the title of chief of staff before switching to digital reporting in 2015.

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